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Terms for subject Government, administration and public services (152 entries)
junior veterinary inspector inspector veterinar-asistent
lawyer jurist
Learning and Development Unit Unitatea Dezvoltarea personalului
leave for family reasons concediu din motive familiale
legal expert jurist
linguistic expert expert lingvist
list of posts schemă de personal
medical expert expert medical
medical officer medic
member of the contract staff agent contractual
member of the temporary staff agent temporar
member of the temporary staff angajați temporari
notice of open competition anunț de concurs general
notice of vacancy anunț de post vacant
notification of open competition anunț de concurs general
occupational accident accident de muncă
official's immediate superior superior ierarhic direct al funcționarului
pay-as-you-go pension scheme regim de pensii de tip redistributiv
pension scheme sistem de pensii
per diem diurnă