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Terms for subject Microsoft (5713 entries)
Scan Pengimbas
scan imbas
scan head kepala imbas
scanner pengimbas
scenario senario
schedule jadual
schedule performance index (The ratio of the earned value (EV), which is sometimes referred to as the budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), to the planned value (PV), which is sometimes referred to as the budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS). SPI is often used to estimate the project completion date. The SPI value is calculated as follows: SPI = EV/PV. If the resulting SPI value is less than 1.0, that indicates that less work was completed on the project than was planned. If the SPI value is 1.0 or greater, that indicates that more work was completed than was planned; SPI) indeks prestasi jadual
Schedule View Paparan Jadual
scheduled berjadual
Scheduling Assistant Pembantu Penjadualan
schema skema
schema version versi skema
scope skop
screen skrin
screen clipping pangkasan skrin
screen font fon skrin
Screen magnifier Pembesar skrin
screen reader pembaca skrin
screen sharing perkongsian skrin
screen time-out tamat masa skrin