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Terms for subject Social science (4734 entries)
recreation centre centro recreativo
recreation centre centro de lazer
recreational center centro recreativo
recreational center centro de lazer
recreational centre centro recreativo
recreational centre centro de lazer
recreational drug droga consumida em contextos recreativos
recreational drug droga recreativa
Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers Convention, 1996 Convenção relativa ao Recrutamento e Colocação dos Marítimos
rectangle of visibility retângulo de visibilidade
recurrence phenomena flash-back
red devils drunfos
redeployment recuperação
redirect research towards social needs reorientação da investigação no sentido das necessidades sociais
reduction of work duration redução do tempo de trabalho
redundancy programme plano social
reform of the pension system reforma dos regimes de pensões
refuge refúgio
refugee fleeing from poverty fugitivo da miséria
refugee in orbit refugiado em órbita