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Terms for subject Politics (3036 entries)
joint working document documento de trabalho conjunto
Judge acting as Rapporteur juiz-relator
Judge acting (who acts) as Rapporteur juiz relator
judge retiring juiz cessante
Judge who acts as Rapporteur juiz-relator
Judge-Rapporteur juiz-relator
Judge-Rapporteur juiz relator
judgment acórdão
judgment by default acórdão proferido à revelia
judgment by default acórdão à revelia
judgment by default revelia
judgment delivered under the preliminary ruling procedure acórdão prejudicial
judgment delivered under the preliminary ruling procedure acórdão proferido a título prejudicial
judgment interpreted acórdão interpretado
judgment referring the case back acórdão de remessa
judgment revised acórdão revisto
judgment under appeal acórdão impugnado
judgments shall be read in open court os acórdãos são lidos em audiência pública
judicial authority to which the Court has addressed letters rogatory autoridade judicial solicitada mediante carta rogatória
judicial panel tribunal especializado