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Terms for subject Idiomatic (384 entries)
fence-sitting a state of inaction or indecision over a particular matter, not taking sides and deciding one way or another
lock, stock and barrel a thing in its entirety, with nothing omitted
old saw a traditional proverb or maxim
crying shame a very unfortunate situation
have no bite all bark and no bite 4uzhoj
another string to the bow an extra skill or qualification which you can use if you cannot use your main one vsd
so be it an indication of acceptance, especially of a situation which is not entirely favorable
cool cat an individual who is at ease and self-assured; one who is calm and composed in interactions with others
old saw an oft-repeated saying, maxim, or proverb
strange bedfellows an unusual combination or political alliance
Bob's your uncle and Bob's your uncle
another shoe to drop wait for the other shoe to drop Taras
another string to the bow an extra skill or qualification which you can use if you cannot use your main one vsd
rat race any exhausting, unremitting, and usually competitive activity or routine, esp. a pressured urban working life spent trying to get ahead with little time left for leisure, contemplation, etc
apple cart upset apple cart Точки ­над Е
fancy footwork artful maneuvering, fast and clever thinking
as plain as day as clear as day Баян
as plain as day as clear as day Баян
at a drop of a dime at the drop of a hat Баян
at a drop of a dime at the drop of a hat Баян