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Terms for subject Nautical (327 entries)
floating storage system FSU Michae­lBurov
flier flyer вк
focsle deck forecastle deck вк
for'd forward LyuFi
F.D. blower forced-draft blower вк
focsle deck forecastle deck вк
firm indication formal offer to provide a vessel kotech­ek
for'd forward LyuFi
fdedlanracolvaoclonl freight deemed earned discountless and non-returnable after completion of loading vessel and or cargo lost or not lost pablo1­971
fish stake fsh stk
full-blown filled with wind, puffed up
g/bl general bill of lading
g/bl general bill of lading
geswarp guess-warp
gsb good safe berth pablo1­971
grivation grid variation вк
grivation grid variation вк
gsb good safe berth pablo1­971
gtee guarantee J_J
gtee guarantee J_J