
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z   >>
Terms for subject Astronomy (281 entries)
Bright Elements BE
Blue Moon BM
Black Moving Object BMO
Bio Optical Organized Knowledge BOOK
Capital Area Astronomy Association CAAA
Calcium Aluminum-rich Inclusion CAI
Casual Astronomy League CAL
Cat Colony Care Programme CCCP
Cosmogenic Correlation Factor CCF
Committee For Crescent Observation CFCO
Central Galaxy CG
Century Halo Star Survey CHSS
Coronal Mass Ejections CME
Creation Out Of Deep Energy CODE
Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass CREAM
Cambridge Reference Sequence CRS
Central Star Magnitude CSM
The Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA Alex_O­deychuk
Concurrent Versioning System CVS
Cas A Cassiopeia A Eka_An­anieva