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Terms for subject Psychology (21 entries)
deviantology deviance Litali­tova
ellipsism A sadness upon realising you will never know how the future will turn out. Ying
fantasy a situation imagined by an individual that expresses certain desires or aims on the part of its creator Nataly­a Rovin­a
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument HBDI grafle­onov
infavoidance avoidance of being humiliated or embarrassed Пахно ­Е.А.
infavoidance avoiding negative opinions of others Пахно ­Е.А.
MBTI Myers-Briggs type indicator
MBTI test Myers-Briggs type indicator test Michae­lBurov
non-verbal reasoning test IQ-test 4uzhoj
pecs Picture Exchange Communication System Elmite­ra
Pure-O Purely Obsessional compulsion Shabe
SAS-SR scale The Social Adjustment Scale Self-Report kat_j
sex abstinence sexual abstinence Andrey­ Truhac­hev
sex abstinence sexual abstinence Andrey­ Truhac­hev
theory of mind ToM Michae­lBurov
ToM theory of mind Michae­lBurov
verbosity veridical
verbosity veridical