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Terms for subject Computers (6032 entries)
Archived A
ad click A click on an online advertisement, it takes a user to another Web site Franka­_LV
Techie A person who is very knowledgable, or an expert, in technology, especially computing. Intere­x
ActiveX A set of technologies created by Microsoft to enable interactive content on Web sites. With ActiveX, Web sites can be animated using multimedia effects, interactive objects, and sophisticated applications Franka­_LV
screenagers A term that combines two words to describe "teenagers who are online" and who are "always looking at the screen." Franka­_LV
FAADC2I Workstation class computer unit A0
advanced audio distribution profile A2DP ssn
AMD Athlon processor AA
Amd Assured AA
Algorithm Architecture Adequation AAA
Advanced Accelerator Applications AAA
Adequation Algorithm Architecture AAA
Automatic Artwork Alignment AAA
advanced audio coding AAC ssn
Apple Audio Codec AAC
APS Automated Client Tracking System AACTS
Advanced Authoring Format AAF
Animal Artificial Intelligence AAI
accounting authority identification code AAIC ssn