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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849357 entries)
TGS top-down greedy split
TDPL top-down parsing language
TDRM top-down reservoir modeling Michae­lBurov
TDRM top-down reservoir modelling Michae­lBurov
TDSP top-down structured programming
TDS top-drive drilling system
THP top-hole pressure
T/L top-level
TLCSC top-level computer software component
TLD top-level design
TLD top-level domain
TM top-mounted
T/C top-of-climb
T/D top-of-descent
TOF top-of-file
TFLC top-of-form line counter
top of the line virtual tape library top-of-the-line virtual tape library ssn
TRT top-pressure recovery turbine Киселе­в
TSSG top-seeded solution-growth method
TSI top-surface imaging