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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856005 entries)
TACL telecommunications analysis center library
TAS telecommunications analysis system
TCSI telecommunications and computer service interface
TAERS telecommunications and earth resources stations
TELEBOARD telecommunications board
TBB telecommunications bonding backbone Michae­lBurov
TBB telecommunications bonding backbone
TBBIBC telecommunications bonding backbone interconnecting bonding conductor
TBSS telecommunications business support system
TC telecommunications closet Michae­lBurov
TC telecommunications closet
TC telecommunications connector Michae­lBurov
connector telecommunications connector Michae­lBurov
outlet telecommunications connector Michae­lBurov
telecom jack telecommunications connector Michae­lBurov
telecommunications jack telecommunications connector Michae­lBurov
telecommunications outlet telecommunications connector Michae­lBurov
TCO telecommunications control
TCS-AF telecommunications control system-advanced function
TCU telecommunications control unit