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Terms for subject Slang (1346 entries)
"two pot screamer" somebody who gets drunk on very little alcohol
root rat somebody who is constantly looking for sex.
whacka somebody who talks drivel
whacker somebody who talks drivel
no-hoper somebody who'll never do well
whacka somebody with whom you have little patience
whacker somebody with whom you have little patience
piker someone who doesn't want to fit in with others socially, leaves parties early
secondhander someone who gets their ideas, opinions and values exclusively from society and from others as opposed to getting: an idea from within oneself, a value from a personal rational process, an opinion from an experience langbi­d
bushie someone who lives in the Bush
show pony someone who tries hard, by his dress or behaviour, to impress those around him
battler someone working hard and only just making a living
summink something Faith2­4
bottler something excellent
corker something excellent
history something in the past
that's what's up something is cool, or your giving credit to someone for doing something andreo­n
hummer something or someone exceptional of their type
as cross as a frog in a sock sounding angry
spag bol spaghetti bolognese