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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
self-contained dispensing mechanism A device that separates from the final stage of a missile together with the front section and that independently targets and releases the re-entry vehicle or re-entry vehicles and penetration aids
self-deactivation In land mine warfare, automatically rendering a mine inoperable and therefore safe to handle by the exhaustion of a component essential to the operation of the mine. Note: this process may be reversed by the replacement of the exhausted component, for example a battery.
SIP grenade self-igniting phosphorus grenade asia_n­ova
Self-Initiated Operational Readiness Inspection SIORI
self-neutralization The rendering of a mine inoperable, but not necessarily safe to handle, by means of an automatically functioning mechanism incorporated into the mine. This process may be reversible.
self-propelled selprop
Self-Propelled Barracks Ship APB
self-recovery Minor technical intervention carried out by the user in the standard mode or in the "RDC" mode (Repair of damage sustained in combat) to repair a piece of equipment at the scene of the damage in order to restore all or part of its operational functions, temporarily or not.
self-sufficiency Capability of a task force to maintain all or part of its operational functions for a given period of time without calling upon any outside maintenance support.
SELM simulated electronic launch Minuteman
SELMON Selective Monitoring
SELORS Ship Emitter Locating Reports
SELREC shore electronics reconnaissance system
SELREFTRA selected refresher training
SELREL selective release
SELRES Selected Reserve
SELRET selected refresher training
SELRIP selective release improvement program
SELS selective service
SELT sheet explosive loading technique