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Terms for subject Vulgar (81 entries)
Bum Fuck, Egypt the middle of nowhere
get ticket
getting ticket
lose shit to break down in laughter
mindfuck to fuck with a person's mind, especially to deceive or manipulate them
lose shit to have a sudden burst of emotion, regardless of the type of feeling
haul ass to hurry
lose shit to lose (one's) temper
haul ass to move quickly, especially to leave
pound (someone) like a mallard duck to penetrate sexually, with vigour
gwat vagina Azamy
handful of sprats vaginal stimulation Franka­_LV
face like wet weekend
having whack at
wtaf what the actual fuck Alexan­derGera­simov
Who cut the dog in half? Who's shit?
Who spoke? Who's shit?
juicing woody
wtaf what the actual fuck Alexan­derGera­simov
yammy pussy mesent­sev