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Terms for subject Military (71893 entries)
OH observation helicopter
OLP observation landplane
OO observation officer
OP observation plane
OP observation point
observation post A position from which military observations are made, or fire directed and adjusted, and which possesses appropriate communications; may be airborne.
OP/LP observation post/listening post
OBSRON observation squadron
observation team Team, led by an officer, whose task is to assume observation missions, and which is detached to the supported unit.
OU observation unit
Observation, Orientation, Decision and Action OODA
OODA observation, orientation, decision, action
OTF observation-target factor
OM observations means
OBOE observed bombing of enemy
observed fire Fire for which the point of impact or burst can be seen by an observer. The fire can be controlled and adjusted on the basis of observation.
observed fire Fire for which the point of impact or burst can be seen by an observer. The fire can be controlled and adjusted on the basis of observation
observed fire procedure A standardized procedure for use in adjusting indirect fire on a target
OFT observed fire trainer
OPD observed position data