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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856016 entries)
non finite clause non-finite clause ssn
non-finite verb form non-finite form of the verb ssn
non-finite form of the verb non-finite verb form ssn
OD non-fixed over-denture Michae­lBurov
OVD non-fixed over-denture Michae­lBurov
OD non-fixed overdenture Michae­lBurov
OVD non-fixed overdenture Michae­lBurov
non-flam. non-flammable
NonflaG non-flammable compressor gas
NF non-flammable product Michae­lBurov
NFP non-flare proton
NFEA non-fleet-experienced aviator
NFLY non-flying
NFD non-focussed density
NFI non-food item
NFC non-forfeiture condition
NFE non-formal education
actual parameter non-formal parameter ssn
actual parameters non-formal parameters ssn
NFD non-formatted data