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Terms for subject Slang (1340 entries)
cactus not functioning
ngl not gonna lie chiefc­anelo
not my bowl of rice I don't like it
not my bowl of rice not my cup of tea
not my bowl of rice not my cup of tea
not the full quid not bright intellectually
not the full quid of low IQ
not within cooee far off
unyet not yet Ушаков­а
nutting nothing kayvee
zip nothing
none nothing
nuke nuclear weapons
nuke heat up in the microwave
nuke nuclear weapons
numero uno https://ru.multitran.com/m.exe?a=244&doit=1&dict=395&doreplace=1&Find=radiof%C3%ADsico&&MatchWords=1&Gls93mjhS=1
nut crazy person
nut out hammer out or work out
nuts crazy
nutting nothing kayvee