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Terms for subject Idiomatic (385 entries)
preach to the congregation preach to the choir
pull a swifty pull a fast one Баян
put flesh on the bones of put flesh on tha7rg­k
riot act read the riot act
invent a wheel reinvent the wheel Баян
do some fancy footwork resort to clever thinking or actions, especially when navigating a complex or difficult issue
pissed as a newt ripped to the tits Andrey­ Truhac­hev
that's all she wrote said when there is no more to say or when something is finished
wake up and smell the coffee said when you are telling someone to be more realistic and more aware of what is happening around them
salami-slice strategy salami-slice strategy Natali­a D
thin on the ground scarce
pull the finger out shortened form of "pull your finger out of your ass" fragil­istic
sing from the same hymn sheet sing from the same hymn book Баян
ray of sunshine someone or something that makes a person happier or a place more cheerful
diamond in the rough someone (or something) that has hidden exceptional characteristics and/or future potential, but currently lacks the final touches that would make them (or it) truly stand out from the crowd
there's more than one way to skin a cat something that you say which means that there are several possible ways of achieving something gtan
sorry excuse for a sorry excuse of a Баян
sad excuse of a sorry excuse of a Баян
sad excuse for a sorry excuse of a Баян
the proof of the pudding is in the eating suck it and see Andrey­ Truhac­hev