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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856163 entries)
IGP implantable gastric pacing Nataly­a Rovin­a
IGS implantable gastric stimulation Nataly­a Rovin­a
ILR implantable loop recorder medtra­n.ru
IFIB implantation by focused ion beam
IRIS implantation of reactive ions into silicon
ITS implantation through silicate process
ISA implantation, silicidation and activation
IET implanted electrode technique
ISOMNOS implanted stepped-oxide MNOS
ISOMNOS implanted stepped-oxide metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor
IPBH implanted, planar-buried heterostructure
ITM implanting the dopant through the metal film
imp implement
impl implement
IMPL implement
imp. implement
impl. implement
IMP implementation
IMMCI implementation and management of manufacturing conformity inspection
ITEC implementation and tracing of engineering change