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Terms for subject Insurance (850 entries)
I.B. industrial business
I.B.N.P.R. incurred but not properly reported losses
I.B.N.P.R. incurred but not properly reported
i.e. That is
i/o i.e. shipment on or under deck
i.f. In full
i.gal. Imperial gallon
irrespective of percentage i.o.p.
i.t. in transit
i/b In bulk
i/o i.e. shipment on or under deck
i/o In and/or over
I/V increased value
I/V increased value cargo
I/V insured value
I/V invoice value
ibner incurred but not enough reported Irys
IBNR-reserves incurred-but-not-reported reserves
in trans in transit Kozlov­VN
i.t. in transit