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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856158 entries)
GTST goal tree-success tree
GBI goal-based investing Ремеди­ос_П
GOL goal-oriented language
GORP goal-oriented replanner
goal seeking behavior goal-seeking behavior ssn
goalseeking behavior goal-seeking behavior ssn
goal seeking behaviour goal-seeking behavior ssn
goalseeking behaviour goal-seeking behavior ssn
GK goalkeeper
GKS goalkeeper save
GKA goalkeeper team A
GKA1 goalkeeper team A, the first
GKA2 goalkeeper team A, the second
GKB goalkeeper team B
GKB1 goalkeeper team B, the first
GKB2 goalkeeper team B, the second
G goals
GA goals against
GAA goals against average jagr68­80
GAA goals against in average per 60 minutes