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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849311 entries)
GTEX geopetal textures
GEO geophone
G geophone
jug geophone
GA geophone analyzer
GBAP geophone break aligned plot
GSTN geophone station number
GTSP geophone time starting point
geophysical geophys.
geophysics geophys.
GEOP geophysical
geoph geophysical
GERIS geophysical & environmental research imaging spectrometer
GASS geophysical airborne survey system
GERIS geophysical and environmental research imaging spectrometry data
GGG geophysical and guide geoscience Michae­lBurov
GATU geophysical automatic tracer unit
GATU geophysical automatic tracer [tracing] unit
GATU geophysical automatic tracking unit
GATU geophysical automatic unit