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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856158 entries)
Final Tubing Pressure ftp Vosoni
ftp client application ftp client app ssn
ftp client app ftp client application ssn
freight prepaid ftppd Yuriy8­3
fighter ftr
fighter-bomber ftr-bmr Киселе­в
flight safety fts
follow up fu
non-protein-bound fraction fu Dimpas­sy
fusion point fu.p.
FD fuU duplex
fucosa fuc
FAN fuchsin, amido black, and naphthol yellow
meddle with fuck around with Andrey­ Truhac­hev
FMB fuck me boots Lavrin
FMBs fuck me boots Lavrin
FMB's fuck me boots Lavrin
screw off! fuck off! chroni­k
go fuck yourself! fuck you! Andrey­ Truhac­hev
FUBIO fuck you, bub, it's over Yeldar­ Azanba­yev