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Terms for subject Medical (3206 entries)
European Network for the Treatment of A IDS European Network for the Treatment of AIDS
EuroScore European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation Michae­lBurov
ex vivo ex vivo
exc excitation
Executive Council Of Health Organizations ECHO
exitus exitus letalis Баян
xCCDS expanded CCDS amatsy­uk
Experience Of Care And Health Outcomes ECHO
expiratory reserve volume ERV Nataly­a Rovin­a
exploratory laparoscopy diagnostic laparoscopy Parano­IDioteq­ue
E–R analysis exposure–response analysis ННатал­ьЯ
ext extremities Vosoni
external acoustic meatus external auditory meatus Aigany­m_K
Extra Sprite Palette ESP
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy ESWL Michae­lBurov
extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy ESWL Michae­lBurov
extractable nuclear antigen ENA Nataly­a Rovin­a
extraglottic device EGD bigmax­us
F.R.C.Path Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists Rive
FAChPM Fellowship of the Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine iwona