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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
Downrange Anti-Missile Measurement Program DAMP
Downsize Net Control Station NCS (D)
Downsized Ground Control Station DGCS
Downsized Ground Control Terminal DGCT
Downsized Ground Data Terminal DGDT
Downsized Remote Video Terminal DRVT
Downward Looking Infrared Radar DLIR
downwind danger Danger coming from the cloud of contaminating agents blown by the wind beyond the attacked area.
downwind direction General direction of the wind giving, for the hazard area estimation, the movement of the cloud.
downwind hazard area The area in which the cloud of chemical agent (whether vapour or aerosol) can represent a danger for unprotected combatants.
downwind hazard prediction A prediction of the possible extent of chemical hazard prepared by a corps or division nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical centre (NRBCC) following an attack.
DP depot maintenance
DP data packet
DP debussing point
DP deep penetration
DP defense procurement
DP definition phase
DP delayed procurement
DP delivery point
DP description pattern