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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
demolition firing delegation The combined arms commander, designated as the authority in charge, can delegate the responsibility of ordering the firing of a reserved demolition target. This delegation is normally granted to regimental commanders, or in certain specific instances, to the commander of a basic tactical unit. The instructions of the commander of the demolition guard are then accordingly amended.
demolition firing party The party at the site which is technically responsible for the demolition.
demolition firing party Engineer detachment which has the technical responsibility of the realization of a charged demolition target. The implementation detachment commander is subordinate to the demolition guard commander.
Demolition of Obstacles in Landing Operations Committee DOLOC
demolition target A target of known military interest identified for possible future demolition.
demolition tool kit The tools, materials and accessories of a non-explosive nature necessary for preparing demolition charges.
DEMONS Demonstration System
demonstration dem
Demonstration, Test, and Evaluation DT&E
Demonstrators For Integrated Ship Control DISC
denaturation Act of eliminating all or part of the technical characteristics of an equipment of make it unusable from an operational point of view.
denial action Action aiming at denying the enemy, for a determined period of time, the occupation of a position, an area, or the crossing of a line of terrain.
denial measure An action to hinder or deny the enemy the use of space, personnel, or facilities. It may include destruction, removal, contamination, or erection of obstructions.
denial system Components of a security system preventing an intrusive hostile act on a fixed site
density dens
density The average number of vehicles, expressed in vehicles per unit of distance.
density of a mined area Average number of mines laid for each meter of mined front. For an area covered with scatterable mines, average number of mines for each square meter of terrain covered by the firing.
DENTAC dental activity
Dental Corps DC
Dental Equipment Set DES