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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849327 entries)
CGCT constraint geometry catalyst technology
CI constraint index
K constraint length of the convolutional code
CM constraint module
CMC constraint multivariable control
CQ constraint qualification
CSP constraint satisfaction problem Michae­lBurov
CT constraint timer
CI constraint-induced ННатал­ьЯ
constraintbased scheduling constraintbased planning ssn
constraintbased planning constraintbased scheduling ssn
CMS constraints management system
CDH constricted double-heterojunction
CDH-LOC constricted double-heterojunction large-optical cavity
CDH-AMC constricted double-heterojunction laser-asymmetry in modal confinement
CDH constricted double-heterostructure
CDH-LOC constricted double-heterostructure large-optical cavity
CDHL constricted double-heterostructure laser
CB constricting bladder
CONS construct