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Terms for subject Informal (833 entries)
debt-trap долговая ловушка amorge­n
delly delicatessen
demob demobilization
demob demobilize
DH dear husband Liv Bl­iss
diesel diesel dyke plushk­ina
dif difference
digs diggings
dilly daffodil
dilly delight
dilly delightful
dime tour nickel tour chroni­k
disco discotheque
disco discotheque music
DIZ This Is
DIZ DA This Is The
does (exactly) what it says on the tin used to say that something is as good or effective as it claims to be, or that it really does what it claims to do. This expression is especially used when you are comparing publicity and advertisements with actual products: Berezi­tsky
don't do not
DONCHA don't you
DONNO I don't know