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Terms for subject Literature (1001 entries)
cinquain A stanza of five lines.
clause In grammatical terminology, a clause is a word-construction containing a nominative and a predicate, i.e. a subject "doing" a verb. The term clause contrasts with the term phrase.
clerihew A humorous poem or verse of 2 couplets about a person whose name acts as one of the rhymes.
cliffhanger A suspenseful situation.
climax Indicates the arrival of any time of crucial intensity in a play or narrative. It is also a word used to show that particular moment when the rising action leads to a peak in the destinies of the hero or heroine.
close reading The careful focus upon ways that writers' choices of form, structure and language shape meaning.
closed text examination An examination where the texts studied are not allowed to be taken in or used during the assessment.
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coda A concluding section which rounds off a piece of literature, see epilogue.
collection The gathering together of the work of a single writer, usually a poet, and of a particular time period.
collective noun A noun such as team or pair that technically is indicative of a collective group of individuals or individual items.
collocation Words which are usually found together.
colloquialism A word or phrase employed everyday in plain and relaxed speech, but rarely found in formal writing.
colonialism The term refers to the habit of powerful civilizations to "colonize" less powerful ones. The process can take many forms, including a literal geographic occupation, outright enslavement.
comedy A work which is principally designed to amuse and entertain, and where, despite problems during the narrative, all ends well for the characters.
comedy of manners A type of drama where the social demeanour of a community is humorously depicted.
comedy of the absurd Drama or performance which is satirical, ridiculous or a parady. Examples can be as diverse as A Midsummer night's dream, a Gilbert and Sullivan such as The Pirates of Penzance or even Monty Python's Flying Circus.
comic opera An opera with a happy ending that contains spoken dialogue.
Coming of age story A story with the central theme of growing up or making the transition from childhood to adulthood. It might contain a sexual / emotional awakening or some ritual or rite of passage.