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Terms for subject Abbreviation (848516 entries)
BFO barrels frac oil
BFW barrels fresh water Yakov
BGC barrels gas condensate
BLG barrels liquid gas
BL barrels load
BL&AW barrels load and acid water
BLC barrels load condensate
BLCPD barrels load condensate per day
BLCPH barrels load condensate per hour
BLO barrels load oil
BLOPD barrels load oil per day Yakov
BLOPH barrels load oil per hour Yakov
BLOR barrels load oil recovered
BLOTBR barrels load oil to be recovered
BLOYR barrels load oil yet to recover
BLW barrels load water
BLWPD barrels load water per day Yakov
BLWPH barrels load water per hour Yakov
BLWTR barrels load water to recover Yakov
BM barrels mud