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Terms for subject General (3861 entries)
a different animal different animal
a different kettle of fish different kettle of fish
a different pair of shoes different pair of shoes
conundrum a difficult choice or decision that must be made
conundrum a difficult question or riddle, especially one using a play on words in the answer
niqab a face veil covering all but the eyes Butter­fly812
sweam a fainting fit Timkin­Tut
a fair bit a good bit Lavrin
matriname a family name inherited from (one's) mother, and maternal grandmother, etc., whose line of descent is called a mother-line, or matriline
matrilineal surname a family name inherited from (one's) mother, and maternal grandmother, etc., whose line of descent is called a mother-line, or matriline
a far cry far cry 4uzhoj
a far cry from far cry 4uzhoj
fateful a fateful action, event, or time is one that has an important and usually bad effect on what happens in the future
hedge a fence or boundary formed by a dense row of shrubs or low trees
sandwich short of a picnic a few bricks short of a full load Burduj­an
ultimatum a final statement of terms or conditions made by one party to another, especially one that expresses a threat of reprisal or war
bearing-rein a fixed rein that causes the horse to raise its head and arch its neck
strongman a forceful or brutal person, usually a ruler or tyrant
wit a form of intellectual humour
incantation a formula of words used with occult ceremonies, for the purpose of raising spirits, producing enchantment, or creating other magical results