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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856005 entries)
what the fuck? what the ...? Val_Sh­ips
WTF what the ...? Val_Sh­ips
WTF what the ...? (when said or asked in a polite way) Val_Sh­i
dafuq what the fuck Johnny­ Bravo
WTF what the fuck 4uzhoj
WTH what the heck
WWI what was it?
WYAFIWYG what you ask for is what you get
WYSWYG what you set is what you get
WHZ what's
what happened? what's the egg? onyeka
what are you trying to pull? what's the grift?
what information do you have about them? what's the wire on them?
s'up what's up Artjaa­zz
WYSIWYG what-you-see-is-what-you-get
WYSWYG what-you-see-what-you-get
whataboutism whataboutery Баян
float your boat whatever floats your boat 4uzhoj
WIT whatever it takes
w.p. whatman paper