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Terms for subject Technology (32906 entries)
TRA tape recorder amplifier
TRAC transient radiation analysis by computer
TRAC transient reactor analysis code
TRACAB terminal radar approach control cab
TRACALS traffic control approach and landing system
TRACAP transient circuit analysis program
TRACE tape-controlled recording automatic checkout equipment
TRACE test equipment for rapid automatic checkout and evaluation
TRACE time-shared routines for analysis classification and evaluation
TRACE tracking and communications, extraterrestrial
TRACE traffic routing and control equipment
TRACE transistor radio automatic circuit evaluator
TRACE transportable automated control environment
TRACERS teleprocessed record and card entry reporting system
tracked trkd
tracker tkr
TRACS test, repair, analysis and control system
TRACT triggered reconnection adiabatically compressed torus
tracting traction bonly
tracting force traction force bonly