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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849280 entries)
SWP swapper
Swapping of roles of engaged and supportive fighters as one or the other comes into a more favorable position to achieve a kill sequential attack
SWAPPS South-West Approaches
SWAps sector-wide approach
SWAPS standing-wave acoustic parametric source
SWAPS standing wave acoustic parametric source
SWARF Senior Warfighter Forum
SWARM space weather advanced research mission
SA swarm andesite
SB swarm basalt
SI swarm intelligence
SWARMS Schistocerca Warning Management System
SWARMS small warhead and reentry multiple system
SWARMS small warhead and maneuverable reentry system
SWAS Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite
SWAS short-wave astronomical satellite
SWAS Submillimeter-Wave Astronomy Satellite
SWAS apparent water sigma from salinity
Swas Swastika