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Terms for subject General (3918 entries)
t/a appear Alexan­der Dem­idov
t/d rly time-delay relay
Tab someone from Cambridge University matchi­n
tabour tabor
tac team tactical team
tadpole tad
tagline tag line wordfi­end
take a high road - The most positive, diplomatic, or optimistic course. Berezi­tsky
take a word on take (one's) word on Баян
take a word on take a word for Баян
take an upturn take a downturn Баян
take credit take the credit 4uzhoj
take equal to accept each to Victor­Mashkov­tsev
take it with a grain of salt take with a grain of salt 4uzhoj
take no not take no for an answer
take no not take (someone's) no
take somebody to task call (somebody) to task raf
take the liberty take the liberty of 4uzhoj
here you go take this, this is for you 4uzhoj
take to (one's) heels to begin to run away