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Terms for subject General (3918 entries)
Tsub c cytotoxic T cell
t and a tits and ass iwon
T o L Tower of London
t of a terms of agreement
t-bag tea bag Vadim ­Roumins­ky
t-bird Thunderbird eilean
t/a appear Alexan­der Dem­idov
t/d rly time-delay relay
Tab someone from Cambridge University matchi­n
tabour tabor
tac team tactical team
tadpole tad
tagline tag line wordfi­end
take a high road - The most positive, diplomatic, or optimistic course. Berezi­tsky
take a word on take (one's) word on Баян
take a word on take a word for Баян
take an upturn take a downturn Баян
take credit take the credit 4uzhoj
take equal to accept each to Victor­Mashkov­tsev
take it with a grain of salt take with a grain of salt 4uzhoj