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Terms for subject Military (71894 entries)
Sensor Command and Control SC2
Sensor Employment Squadron SES
Sensor Employment Teams SET
Sensor Interface Module SIM
sensor management Process of organizing sensor operations
Sensor System Microwave Imager SSM/I
Sensor System Microwave/Temperature SSM/T
Sensors In A Distributed Environment SIDE
Sensors Mounted As Roving Threads SMART
Sensory Integration Training SIT
sensory overload A temporary inability of an organism to correctly interpret and appropriately respond to life's stimuli because of the volume of input
Sent From Hell SFH
Sent To Hell STH
Sentinel Byte SB
SEO state of emergency order
SEODSE special explosive ordnance disposal supplies and equipment
SEP scientific and engineering personnel
SEP scoring error of probability
SEP special emphasis program
SEP specific excess power