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Terms for subject Military (71894 entries)
SORS Specific Order or Requests
SORT senior officer refresher training
SORT ship's operational readiness test
SORTE summary of radiation tolerant electronics
SORTIC Seminar on Reconnaissance and Technical Information Collection
SORTIE simulation of reentry target interceptor endgame
sortie (air support) Operational flight made by one aircraft. (FRA)
SORTIEALOT Sortie Allotment
sorting The evaluation and classification of wounded for purposes of treatment and evacuation. It consists of the immediate sorting of patients according to type and seriousness of injury and likehood of survival, and the establishment of priority for treatment and evacuation to assure medical care of the greatest benefit to the largest number. In battlefield maintenance, the evaluation and classification of equipment by a maintenance unit for further action.
SORTS status of resources and training system
SORTS support of readiness test series
SOS satellite observation system
SOS senior officers' school
SOS senior officers' seminar
SOS service of supply
SOS ships overhaul schedule
SOS smoke obscuring screen
SOS source of supply
SOS special operations school
SOS special operations squadron