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Terms for subject Military (71894 entries)
ROW risk of war
Risk Reduction Report RRR
Risk Your Ass RYA
RISKAS risk acceptance
risks other than attack Nuclear, radiological, biological or chemical environment coming from any other origin than the authorized use of weapons of mass destruction by the armed forces of a State. Also called ROTA.
risks reconnaissance and assessment team Team, composed of specialists and operating specific equipments, tasked to anticipate and reduce the constraints which might affect the force, in case of industrial radiological and chemical events, accidental or not, in any theatre of operations, and in urban area in particular.
RISO range instrumentation systems office
RISOP red integrated strategic offensive plan
RISOS research in secured operations systems
RIST radar installed system tester
RIT radar inputs test
RITE rapid information technique for evaluation
RITOP red integrated tactical operational plan
RITR rework inspection team report
RITS rapid information transmission system
RITS reconnaissance intelligence technical squadron
RITS reconnaissance intelligence transmission system
RIHANS river and harbor aid to navigation system
RAG river assault group
RIVRON river assault squadron