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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849333 entries)
PER price-to-earnings ratio
PE price-to-earnings ratio
P/E price-to-earnings ratio
PPR price-to-performance ratio
PIS price-to-sale ratio
PVI price-volume index
P/ E price/ earnings ratio
P/CE price/cash flow ratio
P/D price/dividend ratio
P/E price/earnings
PER price/earnings ratio Michae­lBurov
PEG price/earnings ratio growth Пахно ­Е.А.
PEG price/earnings to growth
PEGY ratio price/earnings to growth and dividend yield ratio
PSR price/sales ratio raf
PAGEL priced aerospace ground equipment list
P/C. priced catalog
pc priced catalogue
P/C priced catalogue
P/C. priced catalogue