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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856150 entries)
PSFP pre-simulator familiarization panel
PSDM pre-stack depth migration Michae­lBurov
PSI pre-stack imaging
PSI pre-stack inversion Michae­lBurov
PRTM pre-stack reverse time migration
PSTM pre-stack time migration Michae­lBurov
PreSTM pre-stack time migration City M­onk
PSTM pre-stack time migration
pre-stack imaging (Shell term) pre-stack time migration
PSUR pre-startup peer review ВосьМо­й
PSC pre-stressed concrete ВВЗ
A sweep flown in advance of an attack force to clean the area of enemy fighters pre-strike-sweep
pre-sub pre-subscript
PSA pre-sunrise authority
PS pre-superheater
pre-super pre-superscript
PTSP pre-task safety plan SAKHst­asia
PTE pre-tax earnings
PTWPB pre-tax work program bid
PTC pre-taxi clearance