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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
PACDA personnel and administration, combat development activity
PACDIV Pacific division
PACE provisioning action control evaluation
PACE Pacific Airlift Center
PACE Pacific alternate command element
PACE performance analysis by continuous evaluation
PACE performance and cost evaluation
PACE pocket automatic coding equipment
PACE programmed automatic communications equipment
pace For ground forces, the speed of a column or element regulated to maintain a prescribed average speed.
pace setter An individual, selected by the column commander, who travels in the lead vehicle or element to regulate the column speed.
PACENS patient census
PACER planning automation and control for evaluating requirements
PACER portable aircraft condition evaluator recorder
PACER portable automatic computerized environmental radar
PACEX Pacific exchange
PACFAST Pacific Forward Area Support Team
PACFLAP Pacific Fleet Augmentation Plan
PACFLT enlisted personnel distribution manual PEDMAN
PACFLTMOPHOTOU Pacific Fleet mobile photographic unit