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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
non-deadly force Force not intended or likely to cause death, or serious injury resulting in death. Related term: deadly force.
Non-Destructive Test Equipment NDTE
Non-Developmental Airlift Aircraft NDAA
Non-Direction Beacon NDB
non-expendable supplies and materiel Items which are not consumed in use and which retain their original identity during the period of use, such as weapons, and which normally require further accounting.
Non-Governmental Organization NGO
Non-Hardened Small Unit Radio NSUR
non-imaging portable radar sensor A radar unit which weighs less than ten pounds, is small enough to fit into a briefcase and will detect motion through non-metallic walls and floors
Non-Imaging Sensors NIS
non-interference One of the basic principles of international law, which lays down that direct or indirect interference in the internal affairs of other states is inadmissible
Non-Lethal Submunitions NLS
non-lethal weapons Special types of weapon capable of depriving an enemy of his combat capability for a short time or for a prolonged period without causing irreparable harm. These weapons are used where conventional weapons, or even more so weapons of mass destruction, are unacceptable for political, ethical or other reasons. They can be subdivided into weapons effective against human targets (crowd-control gases, cartridges with rubber bullets, psychotropic agents, infrasonic weapons) and those effective against equipment (electromagnetic weapons, radar and computer jamming systems and biological and chemical agents, substances causing petrochemicals to decompose)
Non-Line-of-Sight Weapon System NLOS
Non-Metallic Seal NMS
NON-NSN not assigned a national stock number
non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse weapons Weapons which produce a momentary burst of radio-frequency energy through conversion of the energy released by a non-nuclear explosion
non-persisting agent Chemical agent whose action time is limited to the time the vapour or aerosol cloud passes by.
Non-Proliferation (of Nuclear Weapons) Treaty NPT
Non-Recurring NR
Non-Recurring Finished Intelligence NRFI