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Terms for subject Technology (32585 entries)
MHDC magnetohydrodynamic conversion
MHDF middle and high frequency direction finder
MHF medium and high frequency
MHFA multiple-conductor, heat-and flame-resistant, armored cable
MHFDF medium and high frequency DF station
MHFPR maximum hypothetical fission-product release
MHM maximum hygroscopic moisture
MHP material handling procedure
MHRA maximum hypothetical release accident
MHS mechanical handling system
MHS mechanical hydraulic control system
MHTGR modularized high temperature gas-cooled reactor
MHTL Motorola high-threshold logic
MHTS main heat transport system
MHVDF middle, high and very high frequency DF
MHVT multiple-shield high-velocity thermocouple
MHW multihundred watt program
mHz milliherz
MI manual input
MI matrix inversion