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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856005 entries)
LIPS laboratory interconnecting programming system
LIS laboratory management system Michae­lBurov
LMS laboratory management system Michae­lBurov
LIMS laboratory management system Michae­lBurov
LIS laboratory management system Michae­lBurov
LM laboratory material
LAB laboratory module
LABOCC laboratory module operations control center
LMT laboratory monitoring training
LN laboratory note
LNB laboratory notebook igishe­va
LORC laboratory of outer radiation control Kastor­ka
LPT laboratory of pharmacology and toxicology shpak_­07
LOC laboratory on a chip
LOI laboratory operating instruction
LOS laboratory operating system
LPC laboratory precision connector
lab proc laboratory procedure
LPQ laboratory process qualification Rada04­14
LPS laboratory programm summary