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Terms for subject Energy industry (8685 entries)
LIPS Lorentz-invariant phase space
LISSAC limit strains for severe accident conditions
listed securities l.s.
Livermore Pool-Type Reactor LPTR
LLA low level alarm
LLF load limiting function
LLFP long-lived fission products
LLLP low leakage loading plan
LLO long-lasting operation
LLRWPAA Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act
LLW-TRU low-level transuranium waste
LM land and marine
LM list of materials
LM lung model
Lma loss due to moisture in air
LMBWG liquid metal boiling working group
Lmf loss due to moisture from fuel
LMFBR liquid-metal fast breeder reactor
LMMHD liquid-metal magnetohydrodynamic generator