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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856208 entries)
LC50 lethal concentration 50 Nataly­a Rovin­a
LC50 lethal concentration 50
LC 50 lethal concentration 50%
LC25 lethal concentration causing death in 25%
LC50 lethal concentration causing death in 50%
LD50 lethal concentration causing death in 50%
LC50 lethal concentration fifty
LC0 lethal concentration for 0 percent of animals used for testing Yuriy8­3
LC50 lethal concentration for 50 percent of the animals or plants used for testing Yuriy8­3
LC₅₀ lethal concentration required to kill 50% of the test animals
LC-50 lethal concentration to 50%
LD 50 lethal dose
LD50 lethal dose
DL lethal dose
LD₅₀ lethal dose
LD lethal dose
LD50 lethal dose 50
LD50 lethal dose 50%
LD₅₀ lethal dose 50%
LD50 lethal dose fifty