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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856149 entries)
IB-DCA interference-based dynamic channel allocation
IFG interference-free gate
IMG interference-free monolithic gate
ICR interference-to-carrier ratio
ISR interference-to-signal ratio
INSAR interferential synthetic aperture radar
IFS interfering signal
ID interferometer and Doppler
IA interferometer antenna
ILS interferometer laser source
IWC interferometric all-optical wavelength converter
IBBI interferometric broad-band imaging
IFOG interferometric fiber optic gyroscope
IFOG interferometric fiber-optic gyroscope
IFOG interferometric fibre-optic gyro
IFOG interferometric fibre-optic gyroscope
IL interferometric lithography
iSCAT interferometric scattering Altunt­ash
ISIS interferometric seabed inspection sonar
ISTG interferometric spectrometer for temperature and greenhouse gases