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Terms for subject Abbreviation (848440 entries)
FORTRAN formula translator FORTRAN
Z formula units
FW formula weight Anisha
FTN formulated super-twisted nematic
FOCAL formulating on-line calculations in algebraic language
FORM formulation
FORMTN formulation
FID formulation identification number Rada04­14
FORMUNOF Association Nationale De Formation Et D'Évaluation Des Médecins De Famille
f-met-tRNA formyl methionine tRNA dimock
FGE formylglycine-generating enzyme capric­olya
fMet formylmethionine
tRNAmet formylmethionine tRNA
FMLP formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine
Fornax For Vosoni
FORNESSA Forestry Research Network in Sub-Saharan Africa
Never occurring, nor having the potential to do so. fornever Franka­_LV
A seemingly non-existent period of time fornever Franka­_LV
Fornicates Regularly And Chain Smokes FRACS Intere­x
Fornication Under Consent of the King F**K Intere­x