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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856163 entries)
Far East Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute FERHRI
Far East Research Hydrometeorological Institute FERHI
Far East Russian FER
Far East Shipping Company, Vladivostok FESCO
Far East Software Development Kit FESDK
DV far eastern
Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science FEB RAS
DVKNII far eastern comprehensive research institute
Far Eastern Maritime Command FEMC
Far Eastern Time FET Vosoni
FEP far electrode potential
FE far encounter
FEAL far end activated line
FEBE far end block error ssn
Far End Block Error FEBE
FEXT far end crosstalk Michae­lBurov
FEES far end errored second
FEI far end input
FEN far end noise
FEO far end output